When trying to promote your group on Telegram, you might sidestep some obstacles, namely, the need to attract followers and fight for them with your competitors. Indeed, instead of growing your user base painfully, you can benefit from your rivals’ success. We are talking about finding thematic groups where your target audience may hang out and enticing them into joining your chats. This is a doable task that can be performed in different ways, and one of them is adding Telegram group members to your groups using Telethon. Let’s explore it to find out whether it is the best way to go.
Telegram is known as an open-source messenger, meaning that its code can be used by other developers to build new programs. For connecting third-party programs to the messenger, Telegram provides application programming interfaces known as APIs. One of them, Bot API, serves only for sending and receiving messages within Telegram, which makes it a go-to option for creating chatbots or sending notifications. However, Bot API is somewhat limited in its applicable scope; for example, it doesn’t allow adding a bot to groups and channels where you don’t have admin privileges.
While Bot API is, actually, a stripped-down version of Telegram API, the full-scale alternative gives access to all functions of the messenger and, as a result, delivers more flexibility. Although it comes with Telegram’s library called TDLib, many developers find it much easier and faster to write scripts for customized clients on Python. To that end, they use Telethon, which is a Python 3-based client library built specifically for Telegram. When combined together, Telethon and Telegram’s development tools allow creating apps for retrieving subscriber bases across groups and channels or sending mass messages to users. Surely, it is also possible to add Telegram group members with the help of this combo.
On paper, it doesn’t seem rocket science, as the library is designed to simplify developers’ tasks to the max. Basically, you need:
Further, you will need to follow detailed instructions available online.
However, adding Telegram group members to your groups using Telethon still requires at least basic knowledge of programming and, preferably, Python. If it’s not your cup of tea, it’s better to turn to professional developers or avail of existing bots created with the same aim and, maybe, with the same tools. You can use various solutions, both paid and free, which come with user-friendly interfaces and no need to master programming languages at all. Buying Telegram members is another way to achieve the goal since it also involves connecting either bots (fake members) or real users to your chats. Yet, if you are not a newbie to writing scripts, using Telethon to enhance your promotional efforts can be a valid option.