As Telegram continues to grow into one of the most popular messengers globally, the competition in the market is getting only stronger. And we see plenty of marketing efforts revolving around the Telegram community, with even more analytical, managing, and promotional tools required to get the job done. Surely, you will also need much data on your target audience to understand its needs, handle it correctly, and grow your follower base step by step. Somewhere along this way, you may need to extract a user database and transfer it somewhere else for further processing. That’s why we are going to tell you how to copy Telegram group members depending on your specific need.
It is quite an easy part since the messenger has provided its users with built-in features for managing their subscribers, including transferring the data of group members. Surely, you need to be an owner or admin of the page to get access to this functionality. If you are, follow the steps described below:
Basically, you have a choice between HTML and JSON files, but if you would like to use vCard or another format, you can avail of third-party solutions. The same goes for copying only phone numbers since the basic feature transfers both names and numbers.
However, we may deal with a more complicated task when it comes to extracting members of a group that is not really yours. How to copy Telegram group members in this case?
Borrowing followers from other groups and channels is a common practice seen as an easy way to attract a target audience. If you run a group dedicated, for example, to betting, you can find popular Telegram pages of the same theme and try to entice the members into your community. In the end, people who have already shown their interest in betting are likely to appreciate your offer to join another thematic group.
However, it would be too tedious and time-consuming to manually invite each person; the more so that you may stumble across various restrictions preventing you from getting in touch with your potential group member. Keep in mind that Telegram values the privacy of its community, and you can be easily banned as a punishment for bothering other users. Here is where web-scraping services step in to help you copy Telegram group members.
Telegram scraping software is designed for collecting and processing data based on specified parameters across channels, chats, publications, and users. You don’t actually have to gather user bases from different pages, as the software can do it for you. When getting into your account with a scraper, you adjust settings to sift through the group you are interested in and arrive at the database exported to a convenient file.
Many services provide helpful features to further sort out and segment the subscribers, for example, detecting active accounts. The process of transferring the member lists into your group is automated and doesn’t require advanced IT skills. Another advantage is the possibility to send bulk messages and invitations to the members, which certainly saves much time when running promo campaigns. Often, scraping opportunities are combined with managing and analytics features in one piece of software, resulting in a full-scale Telegram marketing tool.