Hunting for followers is a favorite game for all the Telegram group owners who created their pages to monetize them through ad placement or promote their own brands, products, and services. The competition is getting tougher as the messenger is gaining popularity across the globe, and you need to keep track of both your audience and your rivals. So, let’s talk about how to see group members in Telegram and what information you can get from viewing them.
The first task is quite simple if you have admin privileges in a group. When you want to see who has joined it besides the people invited by you, or who from those you added remain your loyal followers, you just need to make a few steps:
However, keep in mind that some smaller steps vary a bit depending on the device and OS you use. In some cases, group members are displayed right after tapping the group’s title, while in others, you will need to click on the Members button to view the list.
Telegram’s managing tools also grant access to group members, giving you more chances to view your base and manipulate with it. Basically, you get there by tapping the group’s icon and edit/pencil button on mobile devices or opening the three-dot menu and clicking on the Group Management feature on desktops. In the setting, you will be able to see both regular users and admins if any.
Whichever way you choose, you can browse your followers’ profiles and see their avatars, names, and phone numbers unless otherwise is specified in the users’ privacy settings. Also, you won’t be able to learn the subscribers’ phone numbers if they are not added to your contacts. If a user joins your group with his or her username set (usernames start with the “@” sign), their phone numbers are not displayed either. Other privacy restrictions you can face include viewing whether a group member is online and when he or she used the app for the last time. However, by moving to the Groups tab in the profiles of your group members, you can learn what other groups you share with your followers. Still, you don’t get access to all the groups they are subscribed to.
Actually, you don’t need to be a creator or administrator of a group to see other members of the community you joined. Any member of a group can use the basic method described above except for access to managing tools. The same goes for all the information that other group members choose to leave available for viewing.
Things are getting more complicated if you are not a member of the group you would like to peep into. This is a common situation when Telegram users who promote their groups and channels on the messenger don’t mind borrowing followers from more popular communities. If this is your case, you can avail of special services designed for scraping and extracting user bases across Telegram’s groups and channels. Since their algorithms can be customized, the programs collect data from thematic pages matching your focus area. They will provide you with valuable information, including users’ names, phone numbers, and IDs.